CMS posts guidelines on earning bonuses

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1 minute read

Information regarding Medicare P4P has been posted, 74 measures as the article quotes...I am guessing you might certainly need a bit of technology automation to be quickly report back to qualify...BD

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has posted details of the 74 performance quality measures that will be used to decide 2007 bonuses for physicians providing services to Medicare patients.

The measures are part of the voluntary Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI) run by CMS. The program began after President Bush signed legislation in December 2006 that provides for a payment of up to 1.5 percent on top of physicians’ regular Medicare fees.

The first PQRI period runs from July 1 through Dec. 31. Eligible physicians and medical professionals who choose to participate must pick those measures relevant to their patient care from the list of measures. They then report on the measures by submitting the associated quality-data codes associated with the Medicare claims forms.

Source: CMS posts guidelines on earning bonuses

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