Hip/Knee Replacements Costs Expected To Skyrocket In Future Years, USA

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The number of joint replacement procedures and their associated hospital charges are growing explosively in the U.S. and the numbers are projected to increase over the next decade, a recent study suggests. A researcher from Florida International University (FIU) analyzed the recent trend of hip/knee replacement loads followed by the projection of the costs associated to the surgery in the year 2020 in the U.S.
The national bill of hospital charges for primary hip/knee replacements were 22.9 billion in 2004 compared to 10.8 billion dollars in the year 2000. If current trends continue, in the year 2020, hospital charges will reach nearly 120 billion dollars for the 712,000 and 2 million primary hip and knee replacements, respectively.

Source: Hip/Knee Replacements Costs Expected To Skyrocket In Future Years, USA

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