If things haven't been tough enough with protecting patient identity with security, now we have these folks who decided they wanted to earn some extra cash by allowing thieves to use their Medicare cards for fraudulent purposes...nice they were caught though as the Justice Department moves into action on these types of crimes..BD
Federal prosecutors on Wednesday announced the arrest of 38 individuals in South Florida over allegations that they defrauded Medicare of more than $142 million after a more than two-month investigation by federal, state and local authorities, the Miami Herald reports.
U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said that the defendants paid Medicare beneficiaries for use of their card numbers to allow them to submit fraudulent claims (Clark, Miami Herald, 5/10).
The defendants used the card numbers to submit fraudulent Medicare claims for power wheelchairs, walkers or kits to test blood sugar levels, according to HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt (Baltimore Sun, 5/10).
Source: Justice Department Makes 38 Arrests in Medicare Fraud Case - California Healthline