Some doctors don't like this Medi-Cal prescription

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 The debate continues on California's proposed physician tax...BD

This year's debate over healthcare has exposed a number of other fissures: between doctors with profitable practices and those who tend to the poor; between those who are paid for services and those who work in managed care; and between those reluctant to tamper with the current system and those who want to discard it.

"The rates are so low that a lot of doctors just can't afford to see these patients," said Dr. Paul Urrea, a pediatric ophthalmologist from Monterey Park. Urrea, who practices at White Memorial Medical Center in Montebello, favors the governor's proposal.
But some California doctors say that even though they don't work much with Medi-Cal, they still provide substantial care for the poor. Dr. Richard Corlin, a Santa Monica gastroenterologist and former CMA president, said his practice provided $250,000 worth of free care to the Venice Family Clinic last year.

Doctors say Schwarzenegger's 2% assessment is excessive because it would not be placed on a doctor's net income but on all office revenue. Many doctors say it would amount to at least 4% of their take-home pay.

Source: Some doctors don't like this Medi-Cal prescription - Los Angeles Times

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