Are The Medical Schools in California Facing Budget Deficits?

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This article is speculating there may be some monetary issues here with the University of California Medical School in San Francisco and further statesimage the entire budget structuring may be having issues as well.  I guess they need to run the budget algorithms here and get to the bottom to provide a correct answer.  BD 

The nationwide recession, likely to be reclassified as a depression when all is said and done, has hit California more severely than most other regions given that housing was so crucial to its economy. Major cuts in spending have been made by the State government. Even before the bubble burst in 2007 and 2008, the University of California System was struggling. 

Now, it seems that one of the best medical schools in California, UCSF, is running a budget deficit in excess of $100 Million, closer to $200 Million, according to our sources.

If true, this is not information that UCSF wants the public to know. In 2007, the newly hired Dean of UCSF medical school, David Kessler, former Dean of Yale medical school and former Commissioner of the FDA, began looking at the internal books of UCSF. According to Kessler, he was fired after he discovered problems on the university balance sheet that conflicted with public statements from UCSF and he reported these as a whistleblower.

Exclusive: Is a California medical school going broke? |

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