CCTV Cameras To Be Placed on Ambulances to Help Deter Violence and Aggression Towards NHS Staff

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The cameras will be put into action with a panic button.  In addition in Wales personal safety alarms are being provided.  2 years ago I said we would almost be to the point of violence here in the US and it looks like the UK is having their issues as well.

Just last week the NHS had announced cutbacks and layoff to around 5% of the workforce.   Among all of this though the Brits will tell you they like imagetheir health care system, they may complain but if you don’t live there and have not experienced any care, then don’t butt in.  That actually goes for about anything today though, if you haven’t been there-done that, then you may really be shorthanded with information that is applicable.

During weekends though it is not uncommon to see a doctor at the ER room that travels from another country to work on weekends, which is pretty common throughout many areas in Europe. 

The first ambulances to be fitted with CCTV cameras as part of the latest scheme to tackle violence against NHS staff will today take to the road.

Cameras have also been installed in four accident and emergency departments as part of a 300,000 pounds pilot project.

It is hoped that the cameras will be used to gather vital evidence in the event that an NHS worker is attacked and deter patients and their relatives from abusing staff.

The one-year pilot scheme will determine whether cameras have an impact on the level of violence and aggression towards NHS staff and on the number of successful prosecutions brought against offenders.

The latest figures - for 2007-08 - show that there were 7,343 acts of violence against NHS staff, ranging from verbal abuse to serious physical assaults. This is equivalent to 20 a day.

This is now being put in place to improve protection and safety of lone workers in the NHS in Wales, and includes personal safety alarms being linked to a centralized control system.

UK Ambulances Fitted with CCTV Cameras

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