Porn Stars on Medical Record Privacy – Legal Suit Filed Claiming Unauthorized Employees Viewed Charts

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The stars do not agree with the release forms and to work in the industry they must be tested for disease and in essence I guess there could be exposure of other imagemedical information at risk too.  Long and short of it, they want privacy too as patients.  BD 

LOS ANGELES — Two former porn actresses say their private medical information was wrongly exposed by a Los Angeles clinic that caters to the adult film industry.

Diana Lee Grandmason and Bess Garren said Monday they are suing because the release forms actors are required to sign at the Adult Industry Medical Healthcare Foundation's clinic are too broad.

The clinic caters to porn actors who must prove they are free of sexually transmitted diseases shortly before filming begins.

The lawsuit, filed in Los Angeles Superior Court, claims the release forms wrongly allow an unlimited number of test disclosures to an undefined group of people.

The Associated Press: Lawsuit: Medical records of porn stars overexposed

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