US CIO Steven VanRoekel and CTO Todd Park Talk About What Is Happening With Government Innovation (Video)

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This is nice to have the two of them together, policies, people and permission are the 3 “P”s that VanRoekel begins with and nice to hear “permission” included in there.  They discuss the Blue Button in healthcare in one area and the importance of exposing government to new technologies. 

Open data is being used in government where ever they can and we have seen this with new stats and reports such as weather data for one example.  I do have to say one thing, since these two have imagemoved into these key positions the content we hear from the technology areas has certainly improved and not that the former executives did a bad job by any means, but we are now hearing a “more focused” group with actual “hands on” backgrounds and it makes a difference.  Both are working on changing the “government culture” and we know what that has been in the past.  Parks speaks too about the “stifled” atmosphere that has existed and the talent that has not been either used or exposed in government and he is working to bring a lot of their ideas and methodologies to fruition, in other words let the folks with the talent and ideas function to a greater capacity to make a difference and the talent exists in all government agencies.  BD    


U.S. Chief Information Officer Steven VanRoekel and Chief Technology Officer Todd Park discuss government innovation with FedScoopTV. Park and VanRoekel touch on the White House Presidential Fellows Program, open data, mobile, consumerization of technology and changing the culture of government.

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