Elton John Address at the AIDS 2012 Conference In Washington DC–We Need Compassion and Love

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This is a very moving speech and what he says makes sense and also of note, this is the first time in over 20 years thatimage the International Aids Conference has been held in the United states.  Instead of judging people who are infected, let’s help them with love he says.  He talks about people being afraid to come forward due to fear.  He says to celebrate people who are willing to be tested.  He says America has shunned so many that are suffering and he points out to Washington DC where we have the contrast of the forgotten and of course the other folks who make laws or make a lot of money. 

UNITAID Commits $140 Million to Increase Access To Affordable HIV Diagnostic Products To Help Bring Life Saving Point of Care Products to Market

There’s a lot of truth to what he says because there are folks who are just ill and some of our aging that don’t have HIV that have been abandoned but HIV sticks like a sore thumb as there are some in those groups with HIV as well.  Testing is the first part and it needs to be accessible and affordable to start the curing process.  Here’s one example that before he had healthcare reform we had an ‘HIV algorithm” run to cancel a policy and he was not the only one so again good cause for Elton John to address this.  BD

Health Insurance Company Ran an “HIV” Algorithm To Cancel Consumer’s Policy –An Automatic Fraud Investigation Revealing “False Positives” Or “Unhealthy Patients”

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Here’s an example at the link below , and I do consulting work for them of a company that is working hard to bring cheap, accurate testing to everyone worldwide.  There’s also the flipping book that tells more.  BD  

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