Back 2011 SoloHealth Wellness received funding and now it
appears the product is ready to go with the FDA approval. Ok folks that do advertising, it’s here on the Kiosks too, you can run from it anywhere:) The company already had an eyesight kiosk and I understand all of those will be replaced. The company also received a grant from the NIH to study the need for kiosks in healthcare. When you sit down at one of the units you will get your eye sight evaluated for near and distance,
blood pressure, body mass and a listing of doctors and offers from healthcare partners (maybe this part of the advertising). You can have your tests emailed to you as well as a text message…even more exciting here, check out that bar code…nope we still can’t get these for FDA recalls for prescriptions and OTC products (more on that topic here) …but you can get your results from this assessment that way. BD
SoloHealth Wellness Receives Investment from CoinStar And Is Developing a New Self Service Health Assessment Kiosk
Healthcare seems to be one of the fastest-growing digital out-of-home verticals, with new networks launching and existing networks expanding all the time. This week SoloHealth, which operates interactive screening kiosks in retail pharmacy locations, announced that it has received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for its new SoloHealth Station, which provides advertising opportunities in addition to its consumer health functions.
Before granting the SoloHealth Station approval, in March of this year the FDA studied the potential applications for interactive kiosks, including education, self-diagnosis, dispensing drugs for certain chronic conditions, and recommending healthcare providers from local and national databases, all as part of a larger effort to improve access to pharmacy services and healthcare. In 2010 SoloHealth received a $1.2 million grant from the National Institute of Health (NIH), a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, to study these needs and develop the kiosk format.