Emergency Room Physicians Prefer Specialty EHRs Versus Enterprise Solutions Such as Wellsoft, Picis (A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of United Healthcare), T-System and More But the Enterprise Solution Will Normally Win Out

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I found this article interesting as it kind of sheds a little light on imageyet a bit diversity out there with medical record systems as now unless a full on enterprise EHR is in place you could yet have more EHR systems in the same hospital.  A few years ago United bought Picis which is an entire analytics system.  You find them also in use at the VA, so again more portion to where United gets a cut of the healthcare revenue out there via a subsidiary.

Ingenix (Subsidiary of UnitedHealthGroup) Buys Picis Hospital Software Analytics Company – Algorithms of Healthcare Continue To Grow

VA Awards Contract to Picis, Subsidiary of Ingenix for Anesthesia Record Keeping Software

Hospitals using Epic for example though insist on an all or nothing for obvious reasons and actually that is the smarter way to go but again reading this tells you everyone has their own special interest areas and screens and work flow they like.  It’s a nightmare and lot of extra code work though to make multiple systems talk and no CIO wants more of that today as their plate is full.  BD

Emergency department physicians who use "best of breed" (BoB) electronic health record systems rated their experience 59% higher than did ED physicians who have EHRs that are part of enterprise systems, a new KLAS Research report reveals.

But many healthcare organizations still impose enterprise EHRs on their EDs because it's simpler to have a single integrated system.

The top-rated EHRs in the KLAS survey -- all BoB products -- were Wellsoft, Picis, T-System and Medhost. Epic, the top-selling enterprise system, was next in order behind the BoB leaders. Enterprise solutions from Cerner and Allscripts fell far below Epic, and Meditech came in dead last, with a 29% approval rating.


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