Kaiser Permanente Demonstration Day at the Garfield Center Showing Robotics In Healthcare - How Funding From the NIH Helped Produce Products Like the DaVinci Robotic Surgery Device (Video)

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This is a great demonstration as to what is going on at theimage Kaiser Garfield Center.  A few years ago I had the opportunity to interview their head of innovation at the center and what a job he has with challenges and also being off the wall a bit to create solutions, or maybe I should say out of the box but I thought I would change that old saying as things are not always in boxes anymore.  To further sharing of ideas and creating solutions, Chris and Kaiser Permanente are also members of the ILN, the Innovation Learning Network which consists of Kaiser and other healthcare institutions, all again working in the same directions on the same and similar types of projects.

Innovation and Learning at Kaiser Permanente – Interview With Chris McCarthy

I also talked with one of their Pediatricians on how medical records and personal health records helps her do her job and involve patients.

Kaiser Permanente Pediatrician Patricia Richards Explains How The Use of Electronic Medical Records Enhances Knowledge With Obesity and Adds Focus to the “Let’s Move” Obesity Prevention Campaign

So moving forward a bit we now have the center full of robots and who would have ever thought.  The video below shows some of what’s going on with helping patients.  One thing to keep in mind is where some of this technology gets it’s start, the NIH funding.

I’m glad that they touched on this subject with the NIH as now we are looking at potential budget cuts and we don’t want to lose our science, so there’s an answer with licensing and taxing data sellers that make billions selling our data.  This would kill a few birds with one stone as consumers would have a federal site to look up and see who sells what kind of data and who do they sell it too.  There’s no consumer transparency on this at all it’s a game where billions are made.  Walgreen made short of $800 million selling data in 2010 so again this would be a win-win.

Time Has Come to License and Tax the Data Sellers of the Web, Companies, Banks, Social Networks..Any One Making a Profit-Latest Microsoft/Google Privacy War Helping the Cause –Consumers Deserve to Know What Is Being Sold and To Who in a Searchable Format

This could also help to give some relief to the US device companies who make their products here as they create jobs, and the algorithmic data sellers do not, they just rake in billions.  Taxing data sellers would spread the tax element out over banks, companies, social networks and more so we can keep our science funded. 


Privacy Wanted–So Let’s Require Those Who Sell Web Data to Register and Tax the Transactions and Publicly Disclose Who They Sell To With a Federal Registry

Also there would be enough in the till to help the FDA and many other healthcare agencies.  Again as you see here the da Vinci robot has it’s start with NIH funding and we don’t want to see this slow down to a crawl and again the video makes such a nice presentation as to what is being done to help patients. There are many other device companies too that got their start with funding from the NIH.  BD

One More Good Reason to Tax the Data Sellers– Create Additional Funding for the NIH and FDA From Sources That Otherwise Are Too Greedy to Share & Contribute

The untold story is that Intuitive Surgical did not invent the technology.  The research that eventually led to the development of the da Vinci Surgical System was performed in the late 1980s at non-profit research institute SRI International, funded by NIH.  The original product was driven by the US military which was interested in the system for its potential to allow surgeons to operate remotely on soldiers wounded on the battlefield.  Guidant had first crack at commercializing the system and turned down the opportunity.  John Freund, who had recently left Acuson, ultimately negotiated the tech transfer and first VC funding for the system, thus incorporating Intuitive Surgical.


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