In this case U.S. Patent No. 8,301,466 is the subject of the violation. Below is an embedded list of the MMR Global patents for reference from a prior post for look up. In addition outside of the US, the National E-Health record system in Australia is also in question of violating international patents the company holds. A complaint was also recently filed against Walgreens for MMRGlobal patent violations.
MMRGlobal Provides Listing of Health IT Patents As They Pertain to Personal Health Record Technologies
You can also read my interview from a couple months ago with Bob Lorsch as I asked him some general questions about the patents and the company as a whole as wanted to see how their “Pro” version of the medical records worked. This discussion was before any of the complaints of recent had been filed.
MMRGlobal Patent Portfolio, Bob Lorsch, CEO Answers Questions Relative to Patented Technologies
A couple of companies, Interbit Data Systems and 4Medica Medical Records for example have already entered licensing agreements with MMRGlobal. Interbit’s technology works with both MEDITECH and Siemens information systems and have signed an agreement with Catholic Health East to use their NetSafe platform across all their hospitals and not being a patent expert I can’t say whether or not this is the area in question. 4Medica is an EHR vendor in the Los Angeles area who signed an agreement to license the MMRGlobal technologies and prior to that announcement the two companies had announced an up and coming integration between the 2 software systems relating to lab and prescription data sharing.
MMRGlobal And Interbit Data Enter License Agreement To Sell MMR Patented PHR Technologies With MEDITECH EMR Systems As Relates To MyMedicalRecords.Com With Interbit Solutions
4Medica Electronic Medical Records Company Signs Agreement With MMRGlobal (MyMedicalRecord) To License Health IT Patents
According to the release with WebMD negotiations go back to 2007 for MMRGlobal. Bob Lorsch, MMRGlobal CEO told me the same thing when we spoke about most of the patent discussions and actions he has had with most, they began several years ago. The software in question is the private patient portal WebMD offers called the WebMD Health Manager. From what I covered in December relative to WebMD, they might want to move fast on this one if they want to recover any royalties as the WebMD revenue continues to decline over there due to loss of advertising and not too long ago they acquired a new CEO. BD
Things are Even Tough Over At WebMD–Laying off 250 Employees to Save $45 Million–Web Algorithms Will Need To Do More With Fewer Humans…
The complaint alleges that WebMD provides health information services to consumers and healthcare providers, as well as employers and health plans through both their private and public portals. The public portal, such as the one accessible at, also allows consumers to review a variety of health and wellness information. Starting in 2007, MyMedicalRecords began meeting with WebMD.
At that time, WebMD's private patient portal, called WebMD Health Manager, allowed patients to enter certain health information into an account and run a self-assessment. Since that time, WebMD has changed WebMD Health Manager into an integrated, untethered and consumer-controlled Personal Health Record (PHR), incorporating features and functionality that are the subject of MMR's patents.