WellPoint Hires New CEO, Will It Make A Ton Of Difference, Probably Not A Lot As Shareholders Become More Familiar With Current State of Affairs of the Health Insurance Business

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How excited does anyone get anymore when a new CEO is named?  The CEO himself is probably more excited than anyone as it’s usually a move for more money:)  Today with the way the health insurance is infiltrated with IT infrastructures that run the entire businesses,image most of the big decisions come around acquisitions from what I have seen, which many have been in the Health IT business.  WellPoint is number two a far as size compared to United Healthcare who has such a whopping big group of companies they own, it’s hard for others to compete in some areas.  I have posted quite a few articles with the two of them duking it out over contracts in various states.  Also the Blue Cross group has the upcoming Tri-Care contract loss which was highly disputed and Untied ended up suing to get the contract after a big effort by Tri-Care employees and the Blue Cross subsidiary trying to keep it.

Tri-West Won’t Challenge Tri-Care Military Contract Loss To United Health - Legal Decisions & Contract Awards Allow Machines To Move Money for Profit As Company Will Likely Close Down-Subsidiary Watch

Update: UnitedHealthcare Sues Department of Defense Over Tri-Care Contracts–They Said They Would Do This – Is This A Case Of My Algorithms Are Better Than Yours?

The former HHS executive who was slated for writing and creating most of the healthcare reforms is now on the United payroll and prior to HHS he worked for Amerigroup which is now owned by WellPoint. These guys just float around so is WellPoint going to try to lure him back with the new CEO in place, who knows. One thing we know I think is Steve Larson probably won’t be going back to HHS


WellPoint is also somewhat banking on their IBMWatson analytics to bring additional business and time will tell.  Software technologies build upon themselves and once a certain bit of it is in place, there’s almost like no going back anymore to rebuild as nobody can afford it, even the US government found that out with the talk of repealing the law, Congress would choke on the cost of retooling a Medicare system so all that was hot air in the wind.  BD

IBMWatson and Sloan Kettering Produce Simulated Oncology Case Showing Value With Locating Related Clinical Data While Charting With an EHR (Update) WellPoint To Become a Watson Reseller Soon

(Reuters) - WellPoint Inc named Joseph Swedish, the top executive in a large non-profit hospital system, as the health insurer's new chief executive officer after a half-year search that began when former CEO Angela Braly abruptly stepped down in August.

The No.2 U.S. health insurer faces a challenging year in healthcare reform as the Affordable Care Act brings more changes in 2014, including the introduction of electronic marketplaces where insurers will sell directly to consumers.


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