Wake Forest in the US has grown and transplanted penises for rabbits for a few years now and they work and it appears that technology has moved on to the human side now with this announcement. The surgery took a long time and it was done for a patient in need who didn’t have one anymore due to a botched circumcision so here it is.
Regenerative Medicine News – Fully Functional rabbit Penis Created That Works
One of these days on your driver’s license I guess men will have to make the decision on whether or not they want to be an organ donor, a penis organ donor as this one was transplanted from a man who died. BD
A 21-year-old man has undergone the world's first successful penis transplant.
The 'ground-breaking' operation took South African surgeons nine hours to perform, and allowed the patient to urinate normally and become sexually active again.
Three years ago the man, who remains unidentified, was forced to have his penis amputated after a botched circumcision.
Each year thousands of young men, mainly from the Xhosa tribe in South Africa, have their foreskins removed in traditional rituals, with experts estimating around 250 losing their penises each year to medical complications.