When Bad Governments Happen to Good People

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One of the most enjoyable aspects of my job is the opportunity to visit many different countries to collaborate with colleagues and friends in all sorts of informatics settings. I have written before that informatics is a field of global truths, and the benefits and challenges of implementing information systems in healthcare settings are universal across the world. Mixing healthcare and information technology no matter what kind of health system or technology infrastructure a county has.

Some of the countries I visit have governments whose policies and/or actions I consider disagreeable. How do I rectify this? The main way I do is recognize that those who invite me are doing so to share ideas and activities around informatics. As we are part of the larger biomedical and health community, we are driven by the creed that drives all health professions, which is to improve the health of individuals and populations. We do this in informatics by focusing on effort to improve health through better use of data, information, and knowledge.

There are certainly places I visit colleagues where the policies of their particular government are not agreeable to me. On the other hand, I do not always agree with the policies of my own government in the United States, although I do cherish our political system that lets me speak out about it, which is not always the case in places I visit. In any case, my view on visiting countries where I have wonderful colleagues but whose government I find disagreeable is that I do not need to to support a particular government if I am going to interact with my colleagues who live in that country. As my own country's track record in international relations is far from perfect, I can engage in honest discussion when the topic of politics arises. While I do not overtly criticize the governments who policies and actions with which I disagree, I will not hesitate to speak my opinion when asked.

Another tension I sometimes experience concerns religion. My view of religion is that I respect all religions and honor their traditions, even those traditions that are at odds with what I believe is fair and just. (For example, the rights of women and local minorities.)

One additional positive thing I have noted in my travels is that an activity that seems to bridge people around the world is technology, in particular the Internet. The access to facts and ideas that the Internet allows is enabling, and there is a common bond from rich countries to poor ones now that the Internet has become so ubiquitous everywhere on the planet.

While there is very little in the world that one individual can change, I will continue enjoying my travels around the world, especially in advancing the cause of improving health and healthcare through informatics. I will share both my knowledge and my attitude that when the right people are given the right tools, good outcomes can result.

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