Adult Stem Cell Heart Attack Study Updated At American Society

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Stem cells...interesting study on using the patient's own bone marrow cells to help in treating damaged cardiac muscle after a heart attack...BD 

Doctors are using patients' own bone marrow stem cells (progenitor cells) to treat the damage to cardiac muscle after a heart attack in a study at Emory University School of Medicine.
The study investigators--Emory cardiologist Arshed Quyyumi, MD, and hematologist/oncologist Edmund Waller, MD--will update their colleagues on its progress at the American Society of Hematology meeting in Atlanta.

In the clinical trial, patients receive the standard of care for their condition, including cardiac catheterization, angioplasty and implantation of a stent in the blocked artery. During catheterization, the bone marrow cells are introduced into the coronary artery where a blockage caused the patient's heart attack. To guide the bone marrow cells to the critical area, a balloon is inflated around the catheter, temporarily sealing off the artery from the rest of the circulation.

Adult Stem Cell Heart Attack Study Updated At American Society For Hematology Meeting

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