I almost resent the name of this one...they too can be therapeutic and need the same love and care that one would give a dog..along with shots, etc, and feeding may require a larger budget...but from the article here, there's nothing wrong with a pot bellied pig, just not in an apartment, etc. same as you would do for a large dog. bD
Barbie is a highly intelligent and affectionate child. She knows her colors, sleeps in her own bedroom and
curls up at night with her head in her mother's lap. But she eats like a pig.
She is one — a potbellied pig, that is. Barbie is one of the hundreds of thousands of such domesticated animals that live "the life of Riley." Or Wilbur, Babe and Porky. Rivaled in intelligence only by primates, whales and dolphins, pigs learn faster than dogs, and can even be trained to count.
"And they're quieter than a dog," said Finck. "They don't bark, they oink, and they don't go crazy at the door. They don't jump up on you or get out and run around the neighborhood. They are not aggressive, and will only bite if they are afraid. Their typical response is to run away. They hate confrontation."
ABC News: Are Pet Pigs A Health Hazard?
One of the greatest advantages to studying dogs is they age faster -- literally, in "dog years," so scientists can get the results of their studies more quickly.
"It's like a compressed biological life span that we can study -- the cancer progression -- and also potentially the response to therapy," said Dr. Karin Sorenmo, associate professor of oncology at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine.