FDA Weighs Statins Without Prescription - Mevacor

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Merck is trying to get a lower dose statin medication over the counter, but making sure the right people take the drug is the question and continue with their current medical care...this would be the first over the counter statin...BD 

The government is questioning if too many of the wrong people will take cholesterol-lowering Mevacor if it's sold without a prescription, days before Merck & Co. makes its third try to move the drug over the counter. 

Merck says selling a low dose of this long-used medication on drugstore shelves, next to the aspirin, could get millions of people at moderate risk of heart disease important treatment that they otherwise may miss.

Merck says selling a low dose of this long-used medication on drugstore shelves, next to the aspirin, could get millions of people at moderate risk of heart disease important treatment that they otherwise may miss.

ABC News: FDA Weighs Statins Without Prescription

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