How healthy is your medical credit score?

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Tenet representative feels we are insured just like cars...good questions about future care...will one's credit and insurance standard have an effect on what type of medical service they receive?  Will there be a required credit report before one can be admitted with medFICO?  Will hospitals also start being reporting agencies to add to your credit report?  BD 

Mortgage lenders aren't the only ones showing more interest in your credit score these days – the health industry is creating its own score to judge your ability to pay.

The new medFICO score, being designed with the help of credit industry giant Fair Isaac Corp., could debut as early as this summer in some hospitals.

Healthcare Analytics, a Waltham, Mass., health technology firm, is developing the score. It is backed by funding from Fair Isaac, of Minneapolis; Dallas-based Tenet Healthcare Corp.; and venture capital firm North Bridge Venture Partners, also based in Waltham. Each kicked in $10 million for the project.

Mr. Mooney, of Tenet Healthcare, says the hospital business has changed over the past 30 years to take on characteristics of the retail industry. With patients expected to pay a larger share and do more comparison shopping, they soon will be able to purchase health care much like an automobile, he said.

How healthy is your medical credit score? | Dallas Morning News | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Business News | Dallas Morning News

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