Medicare drug gap will be even trickier in 2008

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1 minute read

Looks like generic drugs are the answer when they are available...why don't we just call all drugs "generic" so they would all qualify, or will we have a new type of drug classification emerge called "virtual generics" soon.  What is the next marketing ploy to arrive?  BD 

If you're a Medicare beneficiary who's looking for a drug plan that will cover brand-name prescriptions in the so-called doughnut hole - a financial gap built into the benefit - you're out of luck.

Next year, none of the 56 stand-alone Medicare drug plans available in California will offer that level of coverage; that's down from just one plan this year.  Each year, the amount seniors have to pay to get out of the hole increases. Switching to generic drugs is not always an option, because many people who reach the spending limit do so because they rely on brand-name drugs that have no generic equivalent.

There is some good news, however, for people who take generic medications. Next year, the number of plans in California that offer some generic coverage through the doughnut hole will increase. This year, 13 plans offered generic-only gap coverage; next year, 15 plans offer some or all generic coverage in the gap.

Insurance companies like Humana Inc. stopped offering brand-name coverage because such plans weren't cost-effective.

Medicare drug gap will be even trickier in 2008

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