Soon, you may not have a choice ... American Medical News

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One managed care group laid the law down to members...EMR or you can no longer practice at the facilities...BD

North Shore Cardiovascular Associates in Salem, Mass., recently spent $280,000 for an electronic medical records system, or $20,000 for each of its 14 physicians. It figured it had no choice but to spend the money.

That's because Partners HealthCare, its hospital partner, mandated that North Shore, and every other practice that refers patients, have an EMR. Otherwise, they no longer can practice at Partners facilities. The hospital system has offered to pay some costs, but not all of them.

"It is basically a loss," said Mario Motta, MD, a cardiologist with the North Shore practice. "I don't get to keep the medical record if I decide to move. The benefit primarily accrues to the system and insurers, who make out royally for this. They should be paying for the bulk of it."

AMNews: Dec. 17, 2007. Rise of the e-mandates: Soon, you may not have a choice ... American Medical News

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