Good news in a round about way for prosthetics, but not so good news for the sprinter..BD
According to the Institute, the prosthetics are three times more efficient at conserving energy than a flesh-and-blood ankle; Pistorius, running at the same speed as an able-bodied athlete, uses 25% less energy. As a result, they violate the IAAF's prohibition on "any technical device that incorporates springs, wheels or any other
element that provides the user with an advantage over another athlete not using such a device."
Pistorius is expected to appeal the decision, telling the Associated Press that "the experts I have spoken with believe that the data that has been collected from the testing considers too few of the variables that need to be examined to make a decision of this magnitude." Gert-Peter-Bruegmann, the scientist who led the prosthetics testing, also spoke of the results before they were released, causing Pistorius to question his objectivity.
Amputee Sprinter Denied Olympic Entry | Wired Science from
Hat Tip: Medgadget