Interesting section...send money and let the folks fend for themselves...but they would still have the option to have it managed as well...shoot how many folks would take the time to create a managed program of their own...I don't believe many...although if folks do sign up for a cash/check disbursement, that's less work for CMS...but this could come back later when folks return and find that the money was perhaps spent in other areas and there's no improvement with health care related items...BD
"This proposal would give Medicaid beneficiaries significant new freedom to determine how their personal assistance services are delivered and by whom," said Kerry Weems, CMS acting administrator. "As health care is not simply an economic transaction, this proposal represents a fundamental shift that restores a person's ability to improve their overall health by taking greater control of his or her own decisions," Weems said.
If a state adopts a self-directed personal assistance services state plan option, beneficiaries could receive a cash allowance to hire their own workers to help with such activities as bathing, preparing meals, household chores and other related services that help a person to live independently. Allotments could also be used to purchase items that help foster independence such as a wheelchair ramp or microwave oven. The beneficiaries also have the option to have their cash benefit allotment managed for them.