If I can afford it, I can get Marcus Welby back, well perhaps someone pretty close and it's the old style of doctoring, enhanced with today's technology...BD
Norman Rockwell thought so much of him that he drew him again and again through his long years as an illustrator famous for his iconic images of American life, and that he was, the family doctor.
He was there on the corner, or the next block over, his offices a convenient walk. He delivered children, gave them their shots as they grew up, patched busted limbs, attended to the dying. He may have been ill-schooled--so much of the science of medicine didn't exist 50 years ago--but he knew his patients and their families and what ailed them, giving the best advice he could from that knowledge.
Then he was gone.Now the family doctor is returning. It's an emerging approach to healthcare called variously concierge or boutique medicine, but in essence it's old-fashioned family doctoring.
Media Life Magazine - Return of the family doctor, for a price