ZD Net likes the new EO UMPC with the new modular design to customize the device to fit your needs...BD
TabletKiosk: The next opportunity I had to play with several devices was at the excellent Tablet
PC/UMPC Meetup event at Cheeseburger Las Vegas. I checked out the HP 2710p Tablet, HP tx2000 Tablet, Motion Computing slate Tablet, MobileDemand’s xTablet T8700, and TabletKiosk’s UMPC and Sahara slate Tablet PC devices......I spent some time with Gail Levy from Tablet Kiosk and thought their modular attachments for their UMPC was a great design for the enterprise environment that may have changing requirements and needs.
» Ultra portable devices were everywhere at CES 2008 | The Mobile Gadgeteer | ZDNet.com