More investing to develop drugs to help in the battle with staph and MRSA infections. All R and D is located in in India. BD
Biotech firm GangaGen, based in Palo Alto, Calif., brought in $5.4 million in fifth-round funding from ATEL Ventures, Otsuka
Pharmaceuticals and ICF Ltd. to develop treatments for bacterial infections. The company specializes in antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria, like Staphylococcus, in the medical, veterinary and agricultural areas. It currently has a preventative prophylactic and a topical treatment for wounds and burns in the works.
From the website:
GangaGen's unique business strategy is to maximize efficiency through cost-effective R & D operations in Bangalore, India, pursuing the treatment of commercially significant infections that require the most straightforward and least expensive clinical trials, some with strategic partners.Most importantly, GangaGen has developed proprietary technology for the production of phage products that address the perceived concerns about phage therapy, by killing the bacterial pathogen without bursting open the bacterial host, namely, Lysis-Deficient Phages.
GangaGen cultures $5.4M to treat bacterial infections » VentureBeat