This is a procedure women here in the US undergo all the time for a reduction, but in Germany the court decided no, but again we may not have all the details here as well, but she had been told my doctors to have them reduced as she was suffering from orthopedic and physical problems. What may have been a monkey wrench though was a prior case with the opposite situation brought to court of needing an enlargement, and I might guess that case was pushing the limits.
Also, the insurance company stated her problem was due to being overweight, but with no picture here it’s hard to tell on this one whether or not she was obese or really needing the reduction, but still with being obese and if she was still having issues it makes you wonder. BD
A COURT has ruled that insurance companies do not need to cover the cost of breast reduction surgery. The court ruled ruled that having a large bust is not a medical problem and as such insurers will only have to pay to correct breasts which are deformed. The case was brought by a 38-year-old woman who suffered orthopedic and physical problems due to the weight of her boobs, reports. She had been advised by doctors to have breast reduction surgery.
German court rules big boobs are not a medical problem | Herald Sun