ZietGeist – a movie that discusses the future

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This is a bit off the wall, and when you have about 2 hours it’s worth giving a watch. I didn’t agree with everything stated here and anyone watching may not either, but you might come away with some knowledge about technology and some thoughts about the future of where the world is going. There are some political messages here and some pretty strong, but some of the technology they discuss here and some past history events might prove interesting to view and hear about. 


The movie gives the history of money and how it got started in the US.  About half way through after the history, things shift gears and some interesting technologies are presented and some history, healthcare very much included.  

After watching this you may want to read up on this recent article called “The End”, which is a very good accounting of some of how the entire Wall Street Collapse began and how it evolved to the final days.  Michael Lewis, who wrote Liar’s Poker starts with his beginnings and how his book made him and brought down C.E.O. John Gutfreund and the last lunch the 2 had together and their discussions. 


“The era that defined Wall Street is finally, officially over. Michael Lewis, who chronicled its excess in Liar’s Poker, returns to his old haunt to figure out what went wrong.”


Thanks to the Happy Hospitalist for posting this on his blog for the rest of us to read.

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