Department of Defense Launches Personal Health Record Pilot – MiCare to Integrate with Google Health and HealthVault

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I will say once more it looks like we are slowly getting over this privacy issue that has had everyone tied up in a knot for so long and with MiCare, the records can all be ported over into Google Health and Microsoft HealthVault, so if you don’t think PHRs are a hot ticket right now to getting better health care through documentation and being able to offer some credible data for medical and hospital visits, well you might want to think again, so that excuse is slowly going out the window for not taking a few minutes out to perhaps think about setting one up, not hard at all.

Department of Defense and VA to migrate health records

With the Department of Defense and the VA now migrating records too, this should perhaps down the road even lead to more information availability.

Interoperability Advice for the New Administration – AHIC

Are electronic and personal health records inevitable? – Sure they are but we need education and mentors to make it work!

Dr. Crounse from Microsoft had recently written about his trip to Japan whereby everyone was inquiring as to when HealthVault and Google Health PHRs would be available there as they were anxious to get them, unlike what we are seeing here in the US.

Personal Health Records – Who’s in the Know and Who has one?

Why Use a PHR – Because It is there and it stands to help decrease medical errors

The only issue I have with PHRs though is the lack of outreach programs to help consumers get started and that is something needed all over the US. As each post I do on PHRs, they all are working with either Google Health, HealthVault or both, and the benefit is having the various vendors populate your records for you. ER doctors would love to have credible information too instead of having to shoot from the hip. Perhaps we will see all ER departments equipped with Kiosks someday too that connect to PHRs for adding information as needed. BD

Press Release:

Falls Church, Va. — The Department of Defense (DoD) is pleased to announce the successful launch of MiCare, the Military Health System’s prototype personal health record (PHR) at Madigan Army Medical Center (MAMC) in Tacoma, Wa. MiCare is designed to help members of the military and their families more easily and effectively manage their health and wellness, regardless of their location and as they seek care inside and beyond the Military Health System. MiCare developed as a pilot project in partnership with Microsoft Corp. and Google. The project which began in March 2008, focused on incorporating the services and features offered by commercial vendors as a way to expedite the development and expand the capabilities of the military’s PHR.

Dr. S. Ward Casscells, assistant secretary of defense for health affairs, praised the hard work and spirit of the partnership which made the development and launch of MiCare a success. He said, "I am a strong advocate for the adoption and use of PHRs. They allow patients to take more responsibility for their healthcare needs and make patients and providers interactive partners in the healthcare encounter. I believe MiCare will empower our beneficiaries and significantly enhance both the quality and continuity of healthcare we provide."

Both Microsoft® HealthVault™ and Google Health™ serve as protected patient-controlled repositories for health information that is needed to support PHR functions. Regardless which platform the beneficiary chooses, both provide a secure place to store, manage, and distribute their own personal health information.

Beneficiaries who choose to enroll in MiCare at MAMC will have access to their demographic information, active medication lists, their allergy data, lab results, radiology results, personal problem list, past visits, upcoming appointments and inpatient/outpatient documentation from AHLTA, the military electronic health record.

Using Microsoft HealthVault or Google Health, the beneficiary will also have the ability to store health records obtained from civilian providers, plans and pharmacies. HealthVault also allows uploading of data from health and fitness devices, such as pedometers, blood pressure monitors, blood glucose monitors and peak flow meters. The beneficiary can choose to share this data with healthcare providers and a wide range of health and wellness applications and services connected on the HealthVault or Google Health platform.

Beneficiaries’ health information will be protected under the new "Connecting for Health" guidelines developed by the Markle Foundation with the aid of Microsoft, Google and other vendors to establish the standards for keeping sensitive information private. The beneficiary has complete control over who looks at the data and what information they see.

Both Microsoft and Google expressed enthusiasm about the project and indicated that they were pleased to be providing services which will benefit military families.

"Providing one location to store and manage health data can make a significant impact on military families on the move, for retirees seeking care, and for family health managers left behind as a parent is called to duty," said Peter Neupert, corporate vice president for Microsoft’s Health Solutions Group. "We look forward to demonstrating the value of this pilot."

Likewise, Sameer Samat, Director of Product Management for Google Health said, "Google is pleased to be working on the MiCare pilot with the DoD. Helping military service members organize all their personal health information in one secure and central location will ultimately help them better coordinate their care as they move locations."

Plans for deployment of MiCare beyond the initial MAMC pilot location are under consideration and new features including secure provider/patient messaging and a provider portal will be considered for development and addition to subsequent versions.

Ultimately, MiCare will serve as a patient-centric health record, aggregating documentation and information from all sources of healthcare in a location accessible to the beneficiary and under their complete control.

The importance of the MiCare initiative was summed up by Mr. Charles Campbell, the Military Health System’s chief information officer. He said, "Micare will not only meet the needs of our Service members and beneficiaries and improve the continuity of their care, it also supports the national goal to develop the foundation for secure, health information exchange between patients and providers."

Related Reading:

Study Predicts Big Savings from PHRs (Personal Health Records) – Best Kept Secret in Healthcare?
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The Health Cloud – Personal Health Records
Clinical Trials in the US – Begin involving the physicians and patients at the point of care to achieve greater success and participation with Personal Health Records
How electronic records reach your doctor – Integrated through the Hospitals
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The Economy – One more Reason to think about a Free PHR
Google Health Online Services – Connections Beyond Medications – Personal Health Records
Why Use a PHR – Because It is there and it stands to help decrease medical errors
The Health Cloud – Personal Health Records
Getting Organized With Online Medical Records – Personal Health Records
Healthline – Interview with the CEO – Health 2.0
Healthcare leaders favor personal networks (Personal Health Records) to RHIOs for data exchange

eClinicalWorks Users Annual Meeting – Integration and the Future of EHRS and PHRs

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