I watched part of the video, not all as it is several hours long and you might want to watch for yourself. The site requires Real Player to view the video. Dr Halamka makes a great presentation and everyone called him “the jet”, thus the title above. In speaking he addresses many topics including interoperability, certification, personal health records, electronic health records, standards, genomics and a few
other issues.
What is being discussed is the hand over to the next administration in all of these efforts of AHIC. Bottom line is it is time to move forward as many of the issues have been accomplished. One item discussed in detail is the PHR, the personal health record. At Beth Israel in Boston under his direction they have implemented many pilot programs with interoperability as well as being the front runners with medical records for patients and including both Google Health the Microsoft HealthVault. Bottom line is we could use some more “jets” in Washington who are ready to take action and get the ball rolling. The hospital is already transmitting records to Social Security and patients can have their records exported to either Google Health or Microsoft HealthVault.
Medical devices working with PHRs, those are out there now with HealthVault so hook up your blood pressure machine or or glucose monitor to the USB connector and record your information, no manual typing needed.
I talk quite a bit about PHRs and will be brief here today, the related reading has more information below both on PHRs, genomics and a few other topics. BD
Be the Jet
“Interoperability Advice for the New Administration As policymakers consider ways to reduce healthcare cost and improve quality, I'm often asked about the current readiness of standards and interoperability. I believe that standards are no longer the rate limiting step. On November 12, I presented an overview of standards readiness to Secretary Leavitt and AHIC. The video is available online My presentation begins at 1 hour and 8 minutes. Anyone wanting to view it can just use real player to advance to that point.”
Life as a Healthcare CIO: Interoperability Advice for the New Administration
Related Reading:
Study Predicts Big Savings from PHRs (Personal Health Records) – Best Kept Secret in Healthcare?
CMS names four PHR vendors for Medicare pilot program and includes Google Health
The Health Cloud – Personal Health Records
Desmond Tutu Presents e-Health Call to Action – Learn from the mistakes of the US
Clinical Trials in the US – Begin involving the physicians and patients at the point of care to achieve greater success and participation with Personal Health Records
EHRs need Standard Templates – So Let’s Look at the Common User Interface Project, a lot of the work is already in progress and partially completed
Health care has managed to avoid the information-technology revolution, but it won't for much longer
How electronic records reach your doctor – Integrated through the Hospitals
Microsoft Technology Centers – Software Solutions with Assistance and Guidance
Common User Interface – Update and walk through video
Healthcare leaders favor personal networks (Personal Health Records) to RHIOs for data exchange
Social Security likes PHRs too – wanting to work with EMR and PHR software with pilot program
Healthline – Interview with the CEO – Health 2.0
Genomics Related Reading:
Complete Genomic Sequence $5000 Next Year – Wholesale
Helicos BioSciences and Personalized Medicine - Featured Interview with Dr. Patrice Milos