Chimp attack victim flown to Cleveland Clinic to see a reconstructive surgery specialist

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I think by now everyone has read the horrible story and it appears now she could be a potential candidate for a transplant, or at minimum some type of complete facial restructure.  Back in December the Cleveland Clinic did the first US Facial transplant.

Face Transplant a First for the USimage

The woman was a friend of the owner of the chimp who was in the wrong place at the wrong time when the chip went crazy and attacked her.  The chip was shot by police, but not before it did such an extensive amount of damage.  BD 

Charla Nash, the woman who was badly disfigured when she was attacked by her friend’s pet chimp earlier this week, has been transferred to the Cleveland Clinic, which specializes in reconstructive surgery.
Nash, 55, was flown there yesterday after four teams of surgeons at Stamford Hospital in Connecticut stabilized her following Monday’s attack, the Associated Press reports. Officials at the Cleveland Clinic aren’t saying what the next step is in her care, other than that she’s being evaluated by a head and neck surgeon.

Chimp attack victim flown to Cleveland Clinic, reconstructive surgery specialist: Scientific American Blog

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