Kathleen Sebelius, Kansas Governor for HHS – Please not! Put the “Smart” People in these key positions

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No offense and she’s probably a great lady and person, but gee will someone wake up and figure out the new HHS Secretary’s job is going to be about 70% Health IT focused!
Daschle Out of the Race – Now Let’s Shop for a New Candidate at the “Smart” Store image
Can’t we get some smart people in key positions? The days are gone when you can interchange leaders from one department to another and the same goes for government as issues are much more complicated and specific and require specific experience in those areas. Now if she has some IT background in addition to experience in the insurance area, then I can take all of this back, but when are we going to quit focusing on the “political” folks and put the “smart” folks in these crucial positions. Other positions may not require the same levels of “hands on” experience, i.e. the Secretary of State where that is a highly diplomatic position, but HHS, come on, this all about Health IT, so we are getting the very short end of the deal if we shop at the “political” store.
Has Harry Markopolos not taught us something about “smart” people or have we forgotten already what the people with technology in their background are capable of doing? Again the HHS Secretary position is going to revolve around 70% with Health IT, and not about being political, we want transparency in this area and need it more than ever, hint, start shopping at Harvard. BD
WASHINGTON — Gov. Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas, an early Obama ally with a record of working across party lines, is emerging as the president’s top choice for secretary of health and human services, advisers said Wednesday.
Kathleen Sebelius, Kansas Governor, Seen as Top Choice in Health and Human Services Post - NYTimes.com
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