Woman arrested in breast cancer Farce – She Lied to everyone

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Local Cancer groups were not very excited about this as well, supposedly the woman is receiving counseling too.  She carried on the hoax since 2003.  She had 194 days of paid leave donated by co-workers as well as money donated from co-workers too.  With people really in need of help, stories like this are just disgusting.  If she needed financial aid for other purposes, it’s best to be honest and the co-workers who donated I can bet are not very happy either.  BD 

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. - A woman who collected donations of sick leave and money from co-workers while lying for five years about having breast cancer was arrested Thursday on theft and forgery charges.

Keele Maynor, 38, also received support from local cancer groups, who were surprised to learn she wasn't receiving treatment.

Maynor was arrested in Union City, Ga., said Bill Cox, the district attorney for Hamilton County, Tenn., where a grand jury indicted her this week. She had been staying just outside Atlanta since leaving Chattanooga after her ruse came to light.

Woman arrested in breast cancer hoax - Cancer- msnbc.com

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