Connected Care – Webcam Remote Visits Explained by UnitedHealthCare

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Here’s a look at the mobile units on video.  This is a remote visit with the physician.  The technology is great and helpful, but one question that pops to mind though, where do the funds come from exactly as there have been big questions on how much of premium payments are applied to claims and healthcare, so is this healthcare or technology?  What happens if your carrier is Blue Cross or Aetna, will they be subletting space for availability on the network where actual facilities house the remote consultation areas. 

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The price of a couple of hundred dollars is not inexpensive as was stated below in the article, but perhaps that is for using a mobile facility, where as if you were at home you could log on to your own computer for a visit for a cheaper rate?   United began recruiting doctors a couple months ago for those who want to earn extra money and see patients via their remote services.  Again, the same question is swimming around in my head, is this a health insurance/healthcare company or a technology company?  The technology is nice but with the history of the recent past with the company with the slew of lawsuits etc, will the services actually help create better healthcare or is it the sole mission to save money only?  BD 

UnitedHealthcare is setting up both stationary facilities along with mobile units that will travel the country and set up shop in areas to help rural populations. The goal is for 25 to 30 stationary sites in six regions by next year, along with three to five mobile facilities that will be strategically placed in areas to help rural populations.

Instead of a thousand dollar Emergency Room visit, the telehealth network would cost a couple hundred dollars. According to UnitedHealthcare, it can also enhance your care.

New Virtual Health Care in Rural Areas

Related Reading:

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