Nearly 30% of Insured Are Already Covered by Government Healthcare Plans in the US

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This is an interesting ongoing Gallup pole, so getting close to 1/3 of the population with a government plan of some sort and this includes Medicare, Medicaid and Military coverage, so it appears we have one big chunk already working through a government program.  Employer based insurance is still the leader in all categories. 


When you look at the percentages by age, after 65, the percentage grows phenomenally.  More on the poll can be found here as Gallup states that they poll 7 days a week and no less than 1000 individuals a day.  BD


WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index reveals that currently 29.0% of adult Americans who have health insurance get their coverage through the government, a percentage which has increased since early 2008. More than half of insured Americans (56.5%) rely on an employer-based program and another 13.3% of the insured obtain their healthcare coverage through some other means, which includes purchasing it privately for themselves.

Nearly 30% of Insured Have Government Plans, Up From ’08

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