A Model For Health Reform – Massachusetts

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We have seen several stories on how Massachusetts has been the first state to have success with insuring more individuals and this is a wrap up with a few opinions and numbers on how it is working.  Mentioned here is the fact that is has not been a cure to control cost and that is the next step, but it has done what the main focus was, insured more people and the state has the lowest rate of uninsured in the US. 

It shows an example of one woman who paid over $700 a month and now is closer to $200 a month, and the no brainer portion here is affordability for the consumer, sure $500 a month makes it affordable for the consumer and can mean the difference of whether or not one is insured or not insured.

As mentioned though, there is more than just consumer affordability; there’s the administration and affordability of the state to keep it going from the provider side compensation and the ability to find a primary care MD.  The wait has been one issue that has been a downside quoted in the news, patients waiting for long periods of time to get an appointment with the doctor and in some instances finding a doctor who will take new patients.  BD

With the debate over health care reform raging in Washington, many who study the issue are looking closely at one state that has already tackled reform on a comprehensive. Priya David reports.

A Model For Health Reform - CBS News Video

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