UBS in Switzerland will not pay fine in U.S. Evasion Settlement – Names To Be Released, Healthcare Bankers Leave to Work for Competitor

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It appears we will have some insight with which US firms have money in Swiss banks, or at least one of the banks.   What is even more interesting here is imagethat in the last couple of weeks, UBS competitor , Jeffries stole most of the healthcare bankers. 

“Last month, Jefferies hired away three dozen UBS employees, including nearly all of its healthcare investment bankers, in what the Swiss bank had called a "massive, premeditated raid."

“Since 2005, the UBS healthcare group has closed more than $567 billion of transactions, bringing in more than $1 billion of revenue. UBS had sought damages and other relief.”

Due to economic conditions, UBS in Switzerland is one bank who actually cut bonuses, etc., unlike what we seem to hearing here in the US. 

This could get very interesting with the competitor, Jeffries, with some of the accounts that could have moved to a new location, and the US has not announced any similar investigation with this firm, so perhaps the list due to be released could shrink when it comes to announcing the names of the biggest US investors.  There have been many items published in the news of late alluding to big pharmaceutical and other healthcare companies who keep their money oversees.  BD 

ZURICH (Reuters) - Switzerland's UBS will not have to pay a fine as part of the settlement of a tax evasion dispute with the United States, two Swiss newspapers reported on Sunday.

The NZZ am Sonntag and SonntagsZeitung both also reported that data of some 5,000 UBS clients would be released to the U.S. authorities. The two papers cited unnamed sources familiar with the case.

Spokesmen for the Swiss justice and the foreign ministry declined to comment on the reports. UBS was not immediately available.

The U.S. government and UBS struck a deal to settle a dispute over tax evasion and Switzerland's bank secrecy on Friday, heading off a showdown that had threatened to sour relations between the U.S. and Switzerland.

UBS not to pay fine in U.S. tax settlement: reports | U.S. | Reuters

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