Five More States Join Lawsuit Challenging US Healthcare Reform – Healthcare for Profit Is a “Legally Inspired” Paradigm With Little Morality Left At Hand

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There have been many posts on the web about the states now challenging healthcare reform and some say it’s a bit of a cover up to raise money.  The only item that I see as having grounds here is the fact that when compliance and the laws state that consumers “must” buy health insurance is the fact that in some states, due to lack of competition, there may be no “non profit” option, so why should consumers be forced to feed the wheels that make Wall Street run in order to get health imagecare.  Personally I think health insurance should be non profit for all organizations all the way around, but it’s not that way of course with shareholders and dividends in the driver’s seat here.  

After the fall of the stock market, the level of trust we have as citizens is falling all the time and to force citizens to invest to keep the gambling business today of the stock market alive is morally wrong.  If the lawsuits are on this basis there may be some substantiation, but again to have consumers pay money to keep an already deceptive market alive is not a good thing.  Granted there’s a bit of time between today and when this becomes mandatory and a lot can and will happen between now and then, exactly what, we don’t really know, but there’s a huge unrest here with reform in it’s current state and there’s certainly room for a lot of revisions and changes. 

Are we doing what we think is “legally” correct today or what is “morally” correct?  I don’t really see much of either in this forefront all the way around and from both sides of the coin.  You can dig around in the past when you look at the economic side of healthcare for comparison, but that’s not the world we have and live in today, so to base laws and changes on what has been the norm in history is irrelevant. 

A good example of losing morality I feel is this case with Pfizer and a biotech scientist – courts saw that it was morally wrong, but the company was “legally” correct and she can’t get the information needed to find out what she was exposed to in her work as a scientist.  This is just one example and there’s more out there if you dig around the web. 

Truth of the matter is, nobody likes this and the consumers of the US have been brow beat to death with analysis and business intelligence software results to convince them that “they” in fact are at fault for all of this somewhere along the line, which is not true, big business and politics are the ones making the rules and we just try to live within them. 

We all need a place to start with getting better care and need a place to start today and stop judging people for what has occurred in the past for things done that were maybe considered “unhealthy”. As long as this continues and we don’t have a place to start without judging the past, the eternal witch hunt for finding those “bad” citizens who omitted one “tiny” element of their health history or took part in something in the past that we know today is not “healthy” will continue. 

Is there anyone else left for big business to blame besides the citizens of the US just trying to make a living?  I call this a “blame shifting tactic” for profit and sad that so many of our leaders today can’t see this.  We talk about clinicians in healthcare needing to say they are sorry a lot, but how about those who make laws and decisions?  I don’t know for sure but I can’t seem to recall much in the news about any of them saying “I’m sorry” with the exception of when they get into personal trouble with extra marital affairs, etc. but that it outside the realm of this discussion here and is theirs and our own reality of what we elected into office.  BD

Five more states - Indiana, North Dakota, Mississippi, Nevada and Arizona - on Wednesday joined 13 others in a lawsuit against the historic overhaul of the U.S. health care system signed into law last month by President Barack Obama, the Texas attorney general announced.

The lawsuit initially filed by Florida, South Carolina, Nebraska, Texas, Utah, Louisiana, Alabama, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Idaho, South Dakota and Washington argues that the legislation's requirement that individuals buy health insurance violates the Constitution.

Five states join lawsuit against health care bill – This Just In - Blogs

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