White House Healthcare Spokeswoman Leaving – Would Like To Be Able to Dine With Her Husband Again

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I don’t see as any bad reflection in either way, the woman wants a life again and besides it seems to be contagious these days, look how many Congressmen have announced retirement. image  Healthcare reform and evolving technology is at the core as we are only human. 

One More Member of Congress Announces Retirement – I Think We are Up to 35 Now – It’s Complicated!

Healthcare grinds on you these days, whether you are a patient, a doctor, an administrator and so on.  It is so complicated.  We built a system based on some very complicated algorithms today in order to make decisions.  They are powerful too as hardly anybody will question “what is shown on the computer screen” as we all assume that is “right answer.  It’s the answer the algorithms gave you, but who programmed them?

I get stressed writing this blog trying to share knowledge, but it’s kind of my passion to offer some food for thought and where and how all of this is happening as having written code I understand aggregation of data and more importantly, what stress this puts on the people who use the software and now have to figure out how to make their bodies fit the “scoring” and “data” tables that we all look at on the computer screen.  Technology and the rocket speed perceptions of how we think it should solve problems creates other problems and stress. 

Even being a spokesperson is not easy, as what you have prepared 8 hours ago might very well be outdated before your speech time. 

Look how long it took to get to where we are and on top of everything else our government needs major infrastructure updating, so living with all of that and trying to create a healthcare system and intelligently prepare words that the general public can perhaps understand, is stressful! 

It takes a lot of skill and almost takes away your entire personal life too. 

Best of luck to her and hope that first dinner with her patient husband is a good one.  BD 

With healthcare reform passed and signed, the White House's top spokeswoman on the issue is leaving the administration.
Linda Douglass, President Barack Obama's spokeswoman though the contentious healthcare debate and a former journalist, said Thursday that "leaving this great team is bittersweet."

Douglass joins Anita Dunn and Ellen Moran, both former communications directors in the Obama White House, in departing the administration during Obama's first term.

Healthcare voice leaving White House - TheHill.com

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