Aetna Gives Away File Cabinet Containing Personal Information – 4900 More Get Free Credit Monitoring

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Boy they just keep coming and this one is human error and why all the information was not scanned and stored on secure servers is a good question.  Insurers pay enough for the latest and greatest technology and spend millions scoring us as consumers to determine what premiums we will pay.image

This is starting to resemble something that went on with BP in a way, like where did they spend their money, not much on prevention or recover but all on the focus of where the dollar gets made.  They were lucky the “vendor” they hired was honest and brought back the information.  Does this show you how much they value your business and a premium payer. 

Rules on EHR Certification Should Take Back Seat to Certifying Insurance Algorithms At Present – We Need This First

We need to certify the security and the algorithms used by insurance companies next, as I mentioned a couple years ago as this thing just keeps building and in some areas the insurance companies are starting to balk at providing the free credit reporting services, so maybe the government will have to give it to all of us for free if this keeps happening. 

Maybe this is part of the reason that Goldman Sachs is ready to enter the healthcare consulting business, although their interest is to get the stock back up and not necessarily better healthcare.  

Goldman-Sachs Announces Their Intentions to Enter Health IT Consulting – Pitching Those Algorithms

Aetna will certainly be present at the 31st Annual Global Healthcare event being held in Los Angeles in a few days in Century City, press release below. 

Aetna Announces Appearance at Goldman Sachs 31st Annual Global Healthcare Conference

“Aetna’s presentation is scheduled to begin at 1:00 p.m. ET (10:00 a.m. PT).  Investors, analysts and the general public are invited to listen to this presentation over the Internet via Aetna’s Investor Information link at  To listen to this presentation live on the Internet, visit Aetna’s web site prior to the presentation to download and install any necessary audio software.  A webcast replay will be available via Aetna’s Investor Information link at, beginning approximately two hours after the event, for 14 days.”image

All the rest of the carriers will be presenting too, Wellpoint and others have also announced. 

Aetna is offering a year of free credit monitoring to about 4,900 people after a cabinet containing files with personal information was given away.

The health insurer said a vendor it hired to move old office furniture put the cabinet out for clearance in late March. The person who picked it up found the documents and contacted the insurer in May.

"The files were voluntarily returned to Aetna and the company has no reason to believe the information will be misused in any manner," the company said Thursday in a release.

Last year, Aetna also offered free credit monitoring to about 65,000 people after e-mails were copied from its job application Web site.

Aetna customer info left in free file cabinet - BusinessWeek

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