MedAptus Gets US Patent for Coding Intelligence Software – Intellectual Property for Insurers to Benefit With Healthcare Claim Coding – Sold as a Medical Records Solution

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Everyone knows I am pretty straight forward with what I say here and this is a new product to market for EMR systems that hospitals, doctors, etc. will have to add imageon to their IT budget and it does nothing to benefit healthcare other than getting the bill coded correctly so your EHR program price will rise as the website states it will work with AthenaHeatlh, Cerner, Epic, GE, McKesson and more. 

What you can expect here is “radical revenue improvement” (heard that one before) in the first year of use and increased cash flow by getting your coding done with a somewhat automated process. 

“Back-office data entry of charges is time-consuming and error prone. Thirty-seconds at the point-of-care can mean the difference between a denial and maximum reimbursement.

Free your coding and administrative staff from data entry, coding manuals and time wasted hunting down missing encounter forms. Usage of our RCA Engine means at 5:00, you’ll know where your charges are – ready for billing.”

It just confuses me as we are trying to bring healthcare costs under control and yet we patent and add another layer of software to the price when items as such should be open source collaborations where everyone can benefit as coding should be universal and not grow larger for profit.  BD 

BOSTON, July 1 /PRNewswire/ -- MedAptus®, the market leader in charge capture technologies, announced today that it has been awarded U.S. patent number 7,685,002 entitled "Method and System for Processing Medical Billing Records." The patent pertains to MedAptus' automated process for completely and accurately capturing both professional and facility charges in outpatient settings. More specifically, this patented process, incorporated within MedAptus' Facility Edition software solution, maps procedural codes to hospital charge data master files, translates rendered professional charges into facility charges, assists in the determination of the appropriate level for a facility visit charge, and supports back-end charge reconciliation.


The MedAptus Facility Edition provides hospitals and integrated delivery systems with the ability to actively and comprehensively manage technical charges. While outpatient services are growing in scope and importance to the hospital bottom line, they continue to involve manual processes, within a silo, at most institutions. Typical struggles for these centers include paper-based coding and billing processes, complex split-billing workflow, lack of back-office reconciliation transparency, and/or consistent evaluation and management (E&M) code leveling. MedAptus developed its patented solution to directly address these commonplace market challenges.

Another benefit of Facility Edition is its ability to compute consistent technical/facility E&M levels. Since the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has limited formal guidelines around E&M code leveling, individual hospitals are expected to develop and follow their own internal guidelines consistently across departments and according to general CMS coding principles. Facility Edition yields both technical coding consistency and compliance, reducing the risk associated with RAC audits.

MedAptus Awarded United States Patent for Technology to Process and Reconcile Professional and Technical... -- BOSTON, July 1 /PRNewswire/ --

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