Meaningful use in some area is a moving target to a degree even though we have goals outlined but again you can’t overlook the fact that new technologies arrive daily whether it is on the web or with mobile technologies. Sometimes the best made plans have to be re-evaluated almost daily. It’s nobody’s fault and is just the world we live in today. Results of such surveys might reflect results to on what day you ask the Healthcare CIOs.
Last month I made the effort to attend a brainstorming convention to where some o the most intellectual scholars and individuals in this business came together on panels to collaborate and answer questions and this was an education process for myself too. There were no big egos floating around here, just more or less a collaborative effort to discuss how things can be done better and more efficiently and everyone here agreed on one item with my discussions and questions, things change rapidly.
Institute for Health Technology Transformation Convention–Fall 2010 Convention - Insights From The Medical Quack
Below is a quote from my interpretation of the convention and a couple of items mentioned. One of the major problems is the payers. We don’t see their formulas and with their constant shifting business models and rules, this becomes a huge area for CIOs to work with. It all rolls downhill so when they make changes, guess where it goes? Granted there are other areas that lead to continuous disruption but all in all the one item that all seemed to agree upon was the highest level comes from the payers.
“If nothing else from one day of attending, you get a huge appreciation for the amount of data, security, intelligence and just day to day clinical use that is facing the hospital CIO today, not to mention the new left curve we get from technology every day. Payers and the obstacles and data considerations needed were mentioned in every forum so it’s right up there with bringing all the system together from the point of care to payment.”
This is not an attack by any means, just an acknowledgement of what occurs with data systems and medical records today and we need to be aware of this so we don’t burn out some really smart CIOS. Sometimes a lot of what they do is beyond and above where the layman may comprehend and at times it is also a very thankless position too when having to relate to a Health IT CEO that is illiterate in how processes work as one has to think and sit down and try to explain what is in the works and the necessary budgets needed. Some are luckier and have CEOs that get it, but not all do.
Last year I did an interview and tour with a CFO of a new children’s hospital built here in Long Beach and boy did he and the IT staff have to jump through hoops in both the planning and building as he was smart enough to stay on top of new developments in Health IT and Healthcare technology to interrupt the process when something new came along that they felt needed to be immediately implemented into the program and that’s a lot of disruption, a good type, but still takes a toll on the thought processes and as I mentioned, getting the CEO buy in with comprehension of the goals to be accomplished and they were going as green as they could too.
Miller Children’s Hospital Long Beach – Brand New Pavilion Carries Focus on Patients and “Green”
They had a good team of a CFO and CIO and others on their IT staff who worked together well and all comprehended the processes and disruptive changes that occurred in the building of the new hospital wing.
In summary, all this disruption and changes in technology can certainly influence on how the CIOs feel about the ability to meet all the rules and regulations relative to Meaningful Use so be kind to your Healthcare CIO and realize they have many hoops to jump through today and the sometimes extreme efforts needed to stay on track. BD
The percentage of CIOs who expect their organizations to qualify early for Meaningful Use stimulus funding has dropped by half, according to a recent survey by CHIME.
Implementation of CPOE is looming as one of the more difficult objectives to achieve; with more than half saying their biggest concern is getting clinical staff to use the systems, stated CHIME.