As we have read this last year, health insurance companies though subsidiaries they have purchased are seeing this as a viable area to do business. With grants comes the next phase of finding a vendor to set up and provide such services and not all HIE vendors are owned by insurance companies by any means but we certainly are seeing some mergers and acquisitions in this area.
Aetna to Acquire Medcity-Health IT Connectivity Vendor-Former CEO Takes Position on Board at Boeing
Ingenix Acquires Health Information Exchange Services/EHR
Provider Axolotl-United Health Group Behemoth Continues to Grow–Subsidiary Watch
The two listed above are acquisitions made by health insurance companies this year and with healthcare reform I am guessing that no stone will be left unturned when opportunities for profits present themselves. BD
WASHINGTON – The Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT is providing grants to states in order to fund health information exchange breakthroughs in five challenging areas that will promote sharing of patient records nationwide.
The grants will fund pilots in 10 states and supplement what they have already received for creation of their statewide health information exchanges.
The Health Information Exchange Challenge Program will help states make progress in areas that are considered critical but difficult to advance interoperability, according to an announcement ONC published Dec. 3.
The awards will fund the development of technology and mechanisms in pilot sites. The states will then share them with other states and communities to increase their ability to exchange information nationwide.
ONC to fund state HIE breakthrough pilots | Healthcare IT News