The Cranial Stimulator–Non Invasive FDA Approved Device for the Treatment of Depression, Anxiety and Insomnia

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The product has been on the market since 1991 since approved by the FDA.  When it comes to pills and seeking an alternative perhaps this is a solution.  The cost is imagejust under $700 and the site provides the medical coding for billing and you do need a doctor’s prescription to buy it.  The do have a full refund policy if you return it within 60 days.  Fisher-Wallace was kind enough to send me an email and thus I am posting as I am not a user but try to include items of interest on the blog with products/procedures that are in the news or what I feel of interest.  One of my recent readers is having a brain implant for her Parkinson’s on a clinical trial as a a result of reading here.  With the status of the current economy there could a run for this device <grin>.  It can also be used with drug therapies as well, but to replace having to take a drug is great too.  Transcranial stimulation is a deeper and heavier brain stimulation process and you can read more at the link below. 

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Study Reports Some Progress With Depression Remission

Cranial stimulation and transcranial stimulation are making some big strides today with some companies offering the therapy at clinics, but this small deice makes convenient to use when it works for the patient.  The device delivers very mild electrical stimulation to the brain.  Each session last 20 minutes.  It has device that serves as the control for the headband.  I also noticed that they do give a discount on the price of $200 for retired and active members of the military and with all the discussion today on post traumatic incidents perhaps there’s a use there as well.  You can go the website and read up for yourself whether you are a patent or a doctor and see all the reviews and published research on the device.  BD

Cranial Stimulator

Fisher-Wallace Laboratories is the culmination of events set in motion when entrepreneur Charles Avery Fisher and Dr. Martin Wallace, PhD, CCN, CAd, discovered an FDA sanctioned product that truly meets a vastly important need: the non-drug treatment of depression, anxiety and insomnia.image

Wallace learned of what was then called the LISS Cranial Stimulator in late 2001, when a friend introduced him to the inventor, Dr. Saul Liss. At that juncture, Wallace—despite his PhD in biology and his credentials in treating addictions and other compulsive behaviors—had been unable to find any means of coping with the depression that brought him to a standstill in the aftermath of 9/11 and the eight hours he spent trapped in a building at Ground Zero. The use of the Cranial Stimulator successfully treated his depression.

Wallace eventually began working with Saul Liss, helping him to improve the machine’s design and gaining useful feedback from physicians who purchased the device for their patients.

Fisher, an entrepreneur who combines practicality with vision, was introduced to the Cranial Stimulator when he met Wallace at a business conference. Fisher was particularly impressed by the Cranial Stimulator’s lack of side effects, and its ability to stimulate the brain’s production of neurochemicals.image

The FDA allows Fisher Wallace Laboratories to market the Cranial Stimulator for the treatment of depression, anxiety and insomnia. In 2007, Fisher-Wallace Laboratories purchased the patents for each of the micro-current frequencies which—when combined for transcranial stimulation—have been shown to cause the brain to produce serotonin, dopamine and other neurotransmitters associated with normalizing moods, sleep, as well as lower the multiply-harmful cortisol levels that result during long-term stress.

Saul Liss passed away in June, 2006 at the age of 84. Fisher-Wallace Laboratories continues his unique work. The company manufactures and markets the Fisher Wallace Cranial Stimulator (FW-100), ensuring its availability for those who prefer to be treated for insomnia, depression, anxiety without drugs.

The company has an impressive list of ground-breaking research projects ongoing in the field of electrocranial stimulation. Renowned institutions such as Harvard Medical School, Columbia Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital and the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey.

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