Well here you have it, an admittance of not being up to speed with technology and again this goes back to the prior administration and their neglect of technology with the “non participants”. The US Government is paying for this in almost every department too with having to get their IT infrastructure up to date, healthcare included big time and HHS is finally working on it. This was an address made up at the silicon valley basically saying we need tech help now! HHS is barely keeping up with some areas and then they get this with the Dow Jones wanting to hone in…you can read up there on my thoughts on this as what they are proposing is not as simple as they think with providing accurate data.
Dow Jones Files Lawsuit Against HHS To Overturn Ruling To Keep Medicare Physician Compensation Confidential In the False Name of Transparency-Distraction is More Like It
You can’t blame the current administration for this mess as it took years to get here and a bunch of luddites with 8 track tapes stored in their brains.
Here’s a post from not long ago on what CMS is proposing and they need a lot of this to fight fraud. This is also a big are for both the FDA and SEC too, they need IT infrastructure badly as this has become a game of cat and mouse with algorithmic formulas run by Wall Street that rearranged the money in this country and we can’t continue to take a knife to a machine gun battle much longer. BD
Deputy Defense Secretary William J. Lynn’s heart was in the right place when he addressed the audience yesterday at RSA Security Conference (video) in San Francisco. But his own words belied the impossibility of the plan.
“It currently takes the Pentagon 81 months to field a new computer system. The iPhone was developed in just 24 months. That is less time than it takes us to prepare a budget and receive Congressional approval for it.
This means I get permission to start a project at the same time Steve Jobs is talking on his new iPhone. It’s not a fair trade. We have to close this gap. Silicon Valley can help us.”
Eighty-one months — seven years — is far too long for an organization trying to work with an industry that evolves monthly to defend against attacks that spread in milliseconds.
The Pentagon must keep pace with the iPhone, but can't and won't | ZDNet