If you read here enough then you have seen my two links at the top of the page with my campaign for this to be done. Its not just up to the FDA but rather the drug and device manufacturers have to play in here too so the FDA could have a synchronized data base and it would be much easier internally to monitor for compliance as well. Now it looks like with today’s announcement, with Tag you can also create both QR and NFC Codes. This is a good deal with not having to keep several programs on your phone to read various codes.
You can always find the bar code for the Medical Quack here at any time too. For about 3 years or so now I have posted several articles on mHealth use and I don’t know how may meetings, committees, etc. that all have struggled with to get the consumer into mHealth. You need a vehicle that shows value for the consumer and this is it. It’s like buying Windows and then deciding later you want to buy Office and so on. The folks trying to get consumer involvement now in mHealth just don’t get it and keep working on this “force feed” method of making folks feel bad if they don’t participate which as not as successful as showing value and getting participation because they want to and see value.
I can’t begin to talk about all the money that is spent and yes the conferences are good and give out a lot of good information and there are many devices that do great things, but if you want the consumer to buy in, you need immediate value and again millions are spent trying to entice the consumer. It gets worse yet though as a lot of the folks that sell the software and devices (consumer apps) don’t use it themselves but are a bit of a bunch of magpies hanging around out there who like to hear themselves talk and are non participants. Consumers see through that and know it’s someone else telling them what is “good” for them while they don’t have time to do the same themselves.
Microsoft Tag Bar Codes–Who’s Been Scanning the Medical Quack–The Bing Heat Map Tells All And Could Help Find Stolen or Expired Drugs and Devices With This Methodology
This is great now that one program can do it all. These bar codes also connect with HealthVault too, so again you would think the mHealth folks would wake up and join this tiny campaign I have going here to push this along as it would make their jobs easier with getting more consumers on board instead of too many software programs that only do “one thing”.
This whole idea can save lives too, read below on a device that missed being pulled and a patient died when it malfunctioned, enough said for the need for the FDA recalls with bar codes to get started and now with QR codes, there’s more options too!
You can also see my sponsor’s magazine, and I do their website as well has barcodes on the cover too:) You can read the most current issue and visit the website here if you want to know more about biotech and gold and silver mining here. There’s quite a few biotech articles and one in particular I found of interest were the “generic medical” devices that are FDA approved and made here in the US, look up Internal Fixation on the site here.
At the link below you can read my interview with the Milwaukee Journal newspaper on the topic who also thinks this is a hot idea too. BD
Recalled Wipes From Triad Still Out There in Consumer Medicine Cabinets and Possibly At Some Retail Locations-Manufacturers and FDA Need To Do A Better Job-Bar Codes
To help simplify the growing fragmentation currently taking place in the barcode/reader market, today Microsoft Tag is providing support for the two commonly used 2D barcode formats (Tag and QR Codes) and for Near Field Communications (NFC) capabilities. With this extension, brands have the freedom to choose the format most appropriate for their campaigns and give consumers the ease of one reader to use.
We’ve already seen a lot of enthusiasm for these Tag updates among leading media and marketing companies like Meredith. “One of the strategic reasons we standardized on Tag was to unify the 2D barcode experience for the audience of 80 million women who consume our content,” said Liz Schimel, EVP/Chief Digital Officer, Meredith. “Microsoft Tag gives us the creative freedom to match the right recognition technology to the appropriate mobile experience, and erases customer confusion about which app is needed to launch that experience.”