One more Johnson and Johnson Recall-Motrin That May Not Work-Where’s the BarCodes to Help Consumers, Drug Chains, Pharmacists, the FDA and So On…

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Well they did do a trial on bar codes for baby wipes which give product information imagebut in case of a recall, they information could be updated quickly.  I realize the company is delving deep into quality control but gee look at the other side with consumers and everyone else involved.  A collaborated effort with the FDA could work very well and make it easier for compliance too with a synchronized data base, but we just don’t seem to want to go there.

Johnson and Johnson Puts Microsoft Tag Bar Codes on Baby Wipes But Can’t Do the Same to Give Consumers the Chance to Find Their FDA Recalls - BarCode Baby Steps?

Here’s an image of what the barcodes on the baby wipes look like below:

Furthermore I have seen millions spent on trying to engage consumers with mHealth and they just don’t get as far as needing a vehicle and creating value for the consumer, this is the vehicle to drive it as this is VALUE shown immediately.  People would much rather have this than see that Facebook HHS contest for an emergency app and all the geeks on the web kind of laughed at it with all the privacy issues on the forefront.  So let’s use this tweet below…J and J are you listening…I’ll just keep posting this tweet from a Mom that wanted to be able to scan bottles…I have a few more of them too on the Quack. 

The Milwaukee Journal interviewed me on my thoughts on the barcodes earlier this year as another company with wipes had a huge recall too.  You can read that at the link below…technology is here but we are not using it.

Triad Group Taints Smith and Nephew Device Company With Recalled Wipes How Many More Are Out There Under Private Labels?

Of all the recalls and situations that could be fixed, the stinking drugs was one that could easily be fixed with coatings the pallets outdoors!  I was in logistics for many years and watched that routine occur all over the place with treated pallets indoors.  I used to do business with a J and J distribution center many years ago, was happening then and sure it’s what the stink is all about.  Other companies did it too as I also called on Pfizer distribution centers and few others as well. 

Johnson and Johnson Recalls Stinky Topamax Drug Used for Epilepsy-The Cold Weather Stench That Stole Topamax

How the CEO Bill Weldon goes unscathed over all of this is beyond me as yesterday it was in the news that the former head of the consumer division was set to face charges on all of this.  BD

Johnson & Johnson (JNJ), the health-care company beset by product recalls the last two years, said it was asking retailers to return about 12 million bottles of Motrin over concerns the painkiller may dissolve too slowly.

Tests of product samples showed some caplets may not dissolve as quickly as intended when near their expiration date, J&J’s McNeil Consumer Healthcare unit said in a statement on its website today. While consumers don’t have to return any bottles, it’s possible there may be “a delay in relief” after taking the drug, Bonnie Jacobs, a spokeswoman, said in a telephone interview. J&J is based in New Brunswick, New Jersey.

McNeil agreed in March to give U.S. regulators stepped-up oversight at three manufacturing plants, after the division had to pull tens of millions of packages of over-the-counter drugs for quality concerns. Today’s recall covers Motrin distributed in the U.S., Puerto Rico, Fiji, Belize, the Bahamas, St. Lucia and Jamaica, according to the statement.

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Today | 26, March 2025