Best Buy Setting Up to Hawk Software from Aetna For Consumer Wellness–Companies Still Don’t Get the Consumer Involvement Yet With a Vehicle and Creating Value

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This is not a bad thing but I guess playing the Aetna game online must not be turning enough results so here comes more.  This appears to be a trial program and over the last few years I have watch my local Best Buy store which does some market testing go in and out of healthcare and last time I was in there, there’s not big aisles dedicated to wellness, just a shelf of fitness and other equipment in that specified area.  Let’s face it the sales reps are in there to sell the maximum amount of products they can.  I used to do some retail training at Best Buy stores for Intel and a few years ago it was fun and employees were great.


That’s not what I see today by all means and it’s not all their fault either, it’s the times we live in. Back on Aetna though they are out there but I’m not sure on their direction half the time and even Homeland Security says we “dumb down” consumers today too, as you can read below, would you see Ben Bernanke playing a health insurance company game, probably not. 

Insurer Software Games Continue to “Dumb Down” Consumers–Would You See Bernanke, the President, CEOs and Other Executives Playing an Online Insurance Game–No, Part of the Focus Of Occupy Wall Street Frustrations

So in the meantime Aetna can get the geeks going here to see what software and equipment they might sell.  I wish I had just part of the money spent on trying to engage consumers that is spent out there. I keep saying get the FDA bar codes out there for recalls as you need a vehicle to drive the rest of it that shows immediate value instead of the old paradigm of “its for those guys over there”. 

Microsoft Tag (Bar Codes) Adds QR and NFC Capabilities - So Let’s Move on the FDA for Recalls- OTC, Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices..The Vehicle to Drive mHealth

One thing though Best Buy is good at is collecting data and analytics and even 6 years ago when I was in their stores training, they could up and see the bag of M and Ms I bought 2 years prior, so as usual, read the privacy policy and look for any disclaimers with the software and website as we all do today if you are a consumer that wants to keep what little privacy we have left.  BD 

CHICAGO--(EON: Enhanced Online News)--Aetna (NYSE: AET) is bringing four of its most popular well-being offerings direct to shoppers at Best Buy® this New Year. The “My Resources for Living WellSM” product line includes on-line modules focused on fitness, weight management, smoking cessation and stress management.

“Best Buy® seemed a natural choice for trying out some of our well-being products with the general public”

These products are now sold within the Best Buy® “health technology” department in three of its suburban Chicago stores. This new 1,200-square-foot department serves as a pilot for Best Buy® and brings together the latest technologies and tools to support fitness, sleep and nutritional goals, plus the latest innovations in beauty technology for skin, face and hair.

“Best Buy® seemed a natural choice for trying out some of our well-being products with the general public,” says Louise Murphy, who heads Aetna’s behavioral health and employee assistance programs. “These online programs take the things you ‘should do’ and turn them into things you ‘will do.’ If you’re in Best Buy® purchasing a pedometer or blood pressure cuff, you might also be interested in a program to help you achieve the health goals associated with that equipment. While these products have been available to many of our Aetna members through our employee assistance and WorkLife programs, consumers can now access these wellness resources.”

Aetna has developed hanging cards for retail display that describe the programs. Each sells for just $19.99.

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