Contact Lenses Monitoring Blood Sugar Levels Without the Needles–Microsoft Case Study-University of Washington With Natural User Interfaces In Real Time

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This look very promising and the technology is pretty fascinating.  In the video you see a couple children who could benefit without the needle stick, and adults for that matter could benefit too.  Similar efforts have been made too with an implant under the skin but if the contact lens could do it all, much more convenient.  image

PositiveID Implantable GlucoChip RFID Technology Continues-Submitted to FDA for 501K Approval

Maybe the CES show was not very exciting, but this make up for it.  This is still work in process but the lenses would work and could send information to an insulin pump, done in real time.  The video is great and explores a few other potential uses of monitors creating information with contact lenses.  BD

Contact Lens–Diabetes Monitor

Millions of people worldwide live with type 1 diabetes, a chronic medical condition that requires constant, daily vigilance to maintain proper health. People who have type 1 diabetes must check their blood sugar (glucose) levels multiple times a day, which can be an unpleasant, painful process. Researchers at the University of Washington are developing a solution that would painlessly monitor glucose levels through tears rather than blood and provide feedback to the patient immediately, should a problem begin to develop.

Diabetes is a potentially devastating disease with no known cure. The pancreas of a person who has type 1 diabetes does not produce insulin. The failure to strike the right balance between food and insulin intake can lead to extreme physiological reactions—from crying jags to loss of consciousness. The long-term effects of uncontrolled blood glucose imbalances can be even more devastating.

Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring

Today, people with type 1 diabetes use needles to prick their fingers multiple times throughout the day, every day, including meal times, to collect blood samples that allow them to monitor and maintain healthy glucose levels, which is critical to reducing the impact that diabetes has on the patient’s health. The never-ending, daily blood draws are not only unpleasant for the person with diabetes, but they also provide limited information.

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